
2024 – 2025


The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President of Negotiations, Vice President of Grievances, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws adopted by the Association.


Mitch Sweet

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board and shall supervise the affairs of the Association.  Additionally, the President shall follow the duties listed in the DTA Consitution & By-Laws.

VP Negotiations

John Narcizo

The Vice President of Negotiations shall be responsible for the Association’s Negotiation Committee.  Additionally, the Vice President of Negotiations shall follow the duties listed in the DTA Consitution & By-Laws.

VP Grievances

Jonathan Root

The Vice President of Grievances shall be responsible for the Association’s Grievance Process.  Additionally, the Vice President of Grievances shall follow the duties listed in the DTA Consitution & By-Laws.


Karyn Robertson

The Secretary shall keep a full and accurate record of all business transacted by the Association and by the Executive Board.  Additionally, the Secretary shall follow the duties listed in the DTA Consitution & By-Laws.


Wilson Valente

The Treasurer shall have the fiduciary responsibility over Association funds and should be familiar with sound financial procedures and the legal obligations pertinent to the local association.  Additionally, the Treasurer shall follow the duties listed in the DTA Consitution & By-Laws.